elephantr: The bridge across Moscow river #2
elephantr: Moscow State University. Gold on the blue.
elephantr: Moscow river near Zvenigorod
elephantr: St.Basil in Moscow
elephantr: Аpocalyptic Power Plant
elephantr: Moscow. St. Basil Cathedral on the Red Square
elephantr: Moscow. Stalin's skyscraper.
elephantr: Power Plant
elephantr: Никольский Собор | St.Nicolas cathedral
elephantr: Kuskovo country. Moscow
elephantr: Moscow Music House 4. Московский Дом Музыки.
elephantr: Летний вечер на Чистых прудах. Summer evening on the Chistie Prudi (Clean Ponds)
elephantr: Zapor - cross-sectional view
elephantr: Interior of the church of the Savior on the Spilt Blood, St.Petersburg
elephantr: Moscow. St. Basil Cathedral on the Red Square
elephantr: Наташинская Свято-троицкая церковь. Holy Trinity church in Lubertsy
elephantr: Skating rink on the Red Square
elephantr: The bridge across Moscow river #3
elephantr: St.Nicolas Church in Kosino. Moscow suburb | Храм Святителя Николая в Косино
elephantr: Interior of the church of the Savior on the Spilt Blood, St.Petersburg
elephantr: US Air Force B52 pilot and some Russian girl. Пилот Б-52 флиртует с посетительницей :-)
elephantr: Kuskovo country. Moscow
elephantr: Russia-Belorussia Border
elephantr: The Cathedral of Christ the Savior / Xрам Христа Спасителя
elephantr: Ivankovskaya hydroelectric power station on Volga