elephantr: The Monument "1000 years of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod
elephantr: Невский атриум
elephantr: What the hell they do over there? :-) Че они там нафик делают?
elephantr: The palm. Ладошка.
elephantr: Sunrise on the road near Tver, Russia.
elephantr: Sunrise near Tver, Russia.
elephantr: Озеро Валдай. Valday lake.
elephantr: Interior of the church of the Savior on the Spilt Blood, St.Petersburg
elephantr: Interior of the church of the Savior on the Spilt Blood, St.Petersburg
elephantr: Interior of the church of the Savior on the Spilt Blood, St.Petersburg
elephantr: Nickolsky Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod. Russia.
elephantr: Broken bell
elephantr: Kremlin belfry. Veliky Novgorod. Russia
elephantr: Foot-bridge over Volkhov river from the old marketplace to the Kremlin in Veliky Novgorod
elephantr: Church of the St.Praskeva Piatnitsa in the Marketplace
elephantr: Old house