Eleonore Indra: St Michel
Eleonore Indra: Evanescent
Eleonore Indra: Blind's dog
Eleonore Indra: Love melody
Eleonore Indra: The night wet street
Eleonore Indra: White swan
Eleonore Indra: Chocolate drop
Eleonore Indra: Sun reflection
Eleonore Indra: Corridors (Gare Bordeaux)
Eleonore Indra: Train's light reflection
Eleonore Indra: light reflection and rounds in water
Eleonore Indra: Woman statue in Bordeaux
Eleonore Indra: Children's joke
Eleonore Indra: Girl jokes in water
Eleonore Indra: Wet paving stone
Eleonore Indra: Dark street
Eleonore Indra: Perfect symmetry
Eleonore Indra: Le penseur/ The thinker
Eleonore Indra: Triangle
Eleonore Indra: Place de la Bourse Rive droite
Eleonore Indra: A created boat on the water
Eleonore Indra: The unknown woman on the water mirror
Eleonore Indra: Joke reflection
Eleonore Indra: Street musicians: guitar, harmonica and alcohol
Eleonore Indra: Street spiritS
Eleonore Indra: The street musician and street spirits
Eleonore Indra: White swan 's anger