Monty-e*: C r o s s i n g
Monty-e*: On Valentine's Day
Monty-e*: A World without a Wall
Monty-e*: ~Snowmen reunion~
Monty-e*: s m a l l
Monty-e*: U n t i t l e d .
Monty-e*: Still need to wait a little longer...for spring
Monty-e*: Use your imagination
Monty-e*: Under a spell
Monty-e*: The opposite of talking isn't listening. The opposite of talking is waiting.
Monty-e*: Kindred spirits
Monty-e*: Broken but fascinating Berlin
Monty-e*: I see...the future
Monty-e*: G' MORNING !
Monty-e*: A few degrees of separation
Monty-e*: Berliners
Monty-e*: Baby, it's cold outside ! ~
Monty-e*: Apartments
Monty-e*: Out and about
Monty-e*: Troppa gente si occupa del senso. Mettetevi in cammino. Voi siete il senso e il cammino.
Monty-e*: Berlin, Germany, Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe