*. Elena T. Photography .*: *. Just Like The Wind .* is back - The Pianist
*. Elena T. Photography .*: To BEE, or not to BEE: that is the question! - HBW!
*. Elena T. Photography .*: A newborn mushroom
*. Elena T. Photography .*: The Hungry Guest
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Delighted - HBW!
*. Elena T. Photography .*: A Flower for Lunch
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Let's BEE friends
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Break the cold with colors
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Ceci n'est pas une plume
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Frittella has had a cold, but he's getting well!
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Drops Drops Everywhere [.tears of pearls.]
*. Elena T. Photography .*: When your heart is cold
*. Elena T. Photography .*: L'Altrove * The Elsewhere
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Past Lives (2 meanings)
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Bright suns to find - HBW!
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Dedicated to my Mom
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Imagine a place where sorrow does not exist * Elena in WonderLand
*. Elena T. Photography .*: Una lacrima sterile * A sterile tear
*. Elena T. Photography .*: The Most Precious Jewels
*. Elena T. Photography .*: A strong spinner! Nature did the rest :-)