ELEMENT AV: Early arrivers at Active Shop in Temecula
ELEMENT AV: Kids get hyped in line
ELEMENT AV: Line out the door for the signing
ELEMENT AV: Element TM Dewitt and Active Erica welcome the posse into the shop
ELEMENT AV: Mike Vallely signs a pizza box
ELEMENT AV: Packed scene inside the shop
ELEMENT AV: Element Rider Tony Tave and his dog Marley
ELEMENT AV: Stoked on the signed gear
ELEMENT AV: Active employees working hard
ELEMENT AV: Waiting in line at the signing
ELEMENT AV: Dewitt poses with the crowd
ELEMENT AV: Red Bull posse seems to come out the woodworks for every event
ELEMENT AV: Mike Vallely with some fans
ELEMENT AV: Nick and his dad show off his new Mike V. deck
ELEMENT AV: Element Signing at Active Temecula
ELEMENT AV: Checking out the new signed Power to the Planet deck
ELEMENT AV: Element Signing at Active Temecula
ELEMENT AV: Element Rider Collin Provost having a good time
ELEMENT AV: Element Flow Rider Nick Garcia
ELEMENT AV: Element Rider Jeremy Wray
ELEMENT AV: Element Rider Tony Tave and his Mob Squad in the corner
ELEMENT AV: Reppin signed decks
ELEMENT AV: New decks ready to be signed