ELEMENT AV: One of many stops on the way to San Carlos
ELEMENT AV: EA Reservation Tour
ELEMENT AV: Local skaters down for the cause
ELEMENT AV: More locals down to skate
ELEMENT AV: San Carlos crew pose for a picture
ELEMENT AV: Todd starts off the contest with a bowdrill
ELEMENT AV: Working the coal
ELEMENT AV: Kids get stoked on the Fire
ELEMENT AV: Mat throws a huge air
ELEMENT AV: 5-0 stall the side of the ramp
ELEMENT AV: Elemental Awareness activities
ELEMENT AV: Giving the hand drill a try
ELEMENT AV: Hands on demo of hand drill
ELEMENT AV: Hand drill in progress
ELEMENT AV: Tre reps his new deck with Levi
ELEMENT AV: Hangin out in the rain
ELEMENT AV: Noseslide down the ledge
ELEMENT AV: Ollie over the ledge
ELEMENT AV: Brandon poses with the Apache
ELEMENT AV: Kershnar decorates the park
ELEMENT AV: Worst board contest
ELEMENT AV: Levi helps replace old board
ELEMENT AV: Little dude collects trash for some gear
ELEMENT AV: Handing out prizes
ELEMENT AV: Kershnar poses with Channing (left) and Chris (right)
ELEMENT AV: Beautiful AZ landscape
ELEMENT AV: Levi also checks the view
ELEMENT AV: Brandon documents
ELEMENT AV: Cody Hager free climbs
ELEMENT AV: EA Rez Tour crew