eleggenehi: 100_2421
eleggenehi: strange clothes
eleggenehi: very much
eleggenehi: end and begining of a season
eleggenehi: 100_2932
eleggenehi: afta noon light
eleggenehi: the last beautiful day
eleggenehi: remenants of a season
eleggenehi: fixin the water
eleggenehi: what comes through
eleggenehi: dots and holes
eleggenehi: 100_2940
eleggenehi: yellow gray music
eleggenehi: sound of silence
eleggenehi: slow curve
eleggenehi: standin b4 a season
eleggenehi: 100_1921
eleggenehi: they way leaves lay
eleggenehi: dappled light
eleggenehi: outside da bank
eleggenehi: mi driveway is made of grass
eleggenehi: my 2 favorite leaves
eleggenehi: 100_2428
eleggenehi: lady's spot
eleggenehi: johhny's 70 year old koi
eleggenehi: johhny's japanese maple
eleggenehi: johhny's japaense maple
eleggenehi: 100_4481
eleggenehi: 100_4375
eleggenehi: 100_4350