Box and Arrow: no pride, when it's cold out.
Box and Arrow: that hat!
Box and Arrow: the valley
Box and Arrow: perfect starter
Box and Arrow: the signature start
Box and Arrow: caviar and cauliflower panna cotta
Box and Arrow: oy! truffletastic!
Box and Arrow: Christina on wine
Box and Arrow: IMGP5064
Box and Arrow: salt tray
Box and Arrow: IMGP5067
Box and Arrow: IMGP5068
Box and Arrow: Chrisitna and Landy
Box and Arrow: seared foie
Box and Arrow: my meat course
Box and Arrow: Landy's meat course
Box and Arrow: first dessert..
Box and Arrow: golly, that was swell
Box and Arrow: dessert
Box and Arrow: dessert
Box and Arrow: landy texting
Box and Arrow: cute MG TD
Box and Arrow: IMGP5092
Box and Arrow: in a big sky country
Box and Arrow: the valley flies by