Joyful Abode: zora and our stray dog
Joyful Abode: zora and our stray dog
Joyful Abode: zora and our stray dog
Joyful Abode: Zora and our rescue (stray) dog
Joyful Abode: Zora and our rescue (stray) dog
Joyful Abode: Zora and our rescue (stray) dog
Joyful Abode: Zora and our rescue (stray) dog
Joyful Abode: Zora and our rescue (stray) dog
Joyful Abode: sleeping dogs (ours!)
Joyful Abode: sleeping dogs (stray!)
Joyful Abode: sweet stray dog
Joyful Abode: sweet stray dog
Joyful Abode: sweet stray dog
Joyful Abode: stray dog and zora
Joyful Abode: poor sad sweet stray dog
Joyful Abode: poor sad sweet stray dog
Joyful Abode: poor sad sweet stray dog
Joyful Abode: Zora naptime
Joyful Abode: Zora helping us harvest tomatoes
Joyful Abode: Zora deciding if it's ripe enough
Joyful Abode: this "non-toxic" toy made my dog throw up all night
Joyful Abode: Puppy eyes, much?
Joyful Abode: zora smelling the crab cakes
Joyful Abode: 2008-07-25 15-27-48_0004
Joyful Abode: 2008-07-25 15-27-24_0002