Mark Blevis: Liberal convention coverage team meeting
Mark Blevis: Liberal convention coverage team meeting
Mark Blevis: Liberal convention coverage team meeting
Mark Blevis: Extensive multimedia capability at the convention
Mark Blevis: Alfred Apps introduces Don Tapscott
Mark Blevis: Don Tapscott delivers the morning keynote
Mark Blevis: Don Tapscott delivers the morning keynote
Mark Blevis: blogging team records another podcast
Mark Blevis: Jane Taber: CBC The House political trivia champ
Mark Blevis: Journalists and bloggers file their stories
Mark Blevis: The Liberalist Lounge... no media allowed
Mark Blevis: Liberal biennial convention theme: Rebuilding
Mark Blevis: blogging team records another podcast
Mark Blevis: MP Tony Clement at #3TYOW
Mark Blevis: Parliamentarian of the Year doors open
Mark Blevis: Parliamentarian of the Year awards ceremony
Mark Blevis: Maclean's: The Power List issue
Mark Blevis: The view from here
Mark Blevis: Peter van Dusen MC
Mark Blevis: Speaker Andrew Sheer delivers the toast
Mark Blevis: Back of Thomas Mulcair's head
Mark Blevis: Speaker Andrew Scheer with MPs Rodger Cuzner and Irwin Cotler
Mark Blevis: Minister Jason Kenney with MPs Rodger Cuzner and Irwin Cotler
Mark Blevis: Speaker Andrew Scheer and MP Lauren Liu
Mark Blevis: Minister John Baird, Orator of the Year
Mark Blevis: Hon. Peter Milliken, Lifetime Achievement winner
Mark Blevis: Victoria Pulman, MP Marc Garneau and MP Irwin Cotler
Mark Blevis: Orator of the Year award (winner: Hon. John Baird)
Mark Blevis: Flag at half staff for Jim Flaherty
Mark Blevis: Thank you to all MPs and their families for the sacrifices they make