Hawthorn M.: The monkeys hang out in Motel 6
Hawthorn M.: motel 6
Hawthorn M.: Beetle Caravan
Hawthorn M.: IMG_1142.JPG
Hawthorn M.: Kokopelli and Stephanie
Hawthorn M.: Beetle Caravan
Hawthorn M.: Britt & Marie's "Rinds w/" Pumpkin car
Hawthorn M.: Magu
Hawthorn M.: Cueball
Hawthorn M.: Homer (The Johnny Bench car)
Hawthorn M.: Herbie
Hawthorn M.: Luke's Bug N' Black
Hawthorn M.: Bug'n Black
Hawthorn M.: Herbie's flamejob
Hawthorn M.: Homer (The Johnny Bench car)
Hawthorn M.: Howie's Sweetie
Hawthorn M.: Cueball
Hawthorn M.: Magu
Hawthorn M.: One Bad Bug
Hawthorn M.: Caravaners
Hawthorn M.: Dazy Bug
Hawthorn M.: Tater
Hawthorn M.: Howie reading Phoebe's Check Engine Code
Hawthorn M.: Howie reading Phoebe's Check Engine Code
Hawthorn M.: Roswell Alien Babies
Hawthorn M.: Do not want!
Hawthorn M.: Do not want!
Hawthorn M.: Route 66 Beetle
Hawthorn M.: Some of the fundraising from the trip supports Susan G. Kohmen Foundation
Hawthorn M.: Setting out...