EleanorRigby236: Macro=plant
EleanorRigby236: Prince relaxing
EleanorRigby236: Prince being Prince
EleanorRigby236: It sits next to my desk at worl
EleanorRigby236: Very bad day
EleanorRigby236: Going up in the House of Blues
EleanorRigby236: Morning chow
EleanorRigby236: As easy as tic tac toe
EleanorRigby236: Play time
EleanorRigby236: My mother's dinner
EleanorRigby236: At Summerbreeze 2010
EleanorRigby236: Passing time...
EleanorRigby236: Today's show
EleanorRigby236: At the golf course
EleanorRigby236: Work today
EleanorRigby236: Going pretty fast, on the way to my gate
EleanorRigby236: 12 in the afternoon
EleanorRigby236: Life can be cruel, but at least we know they were happy ;)
EleanorRigby236: Ramen in front of the station @つけ麺
EleanorRigby236: They were among us, for a day
EleanorRigby236: Somehow, I always end up on a lonely street :/
EleanorRigby236: For once, Tokyo people-less
EleanorRigby236: A stray I found in Gotanda
EleanorRigby236: Home bound
EleanorRigby236: Man killer
EleanorRigby236: Post train
EleanorRigby236: At the train station