Eldon Underhill: Blue Footing
Eldon Underhill: Brick Lined Path to Nowhere
Eldon Underhill: A Hastings Garden
Eldon Underhill: Cast Off Garden (January)
Eldon Underhill: COV WW + Feet
Eldon Underhill: Sad Garden
Eldon Underhill: Walk This Way
Eldon Underhill: Fixtures & Tiles
Eldon Underhill: Severed Trunk
Eldon Underhill: Street Construction
Eldon Underhill: Tiles & Mats Threshold
Eldon Underhill: Threshold with Coloured Tiles
Eldon Underhill: Threshold with Doorstop
Eldon Underhill: Hastings Tiled Sidewalk
Eldon Underhill: Barred Entrance
Eldon Underhill: Tiles & Sidewalk
Eldon Underhill: Odd Pipe Fixture
Eldon Underhill: Sidewalk (& Greys)
Eldon Underhill: (Before) Sunrise 2
Eldon Underhill: Tiles & Mats
Eldon Underhill: Why Path
Eldon Underhill: Raymur Crossing
Eldon Underhill: Little Lot
Eldon Underhill: Traces of Love
Eldon Underhill: Trampled Heart
Eldon Underhill: Sunward: Cracked Asphalt
Eldon Underhill: Industrial Garden