ElDave: Clock's ticking... #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 96/100
ElDave: Pink Primaris Party #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 95/100
ElDave: Back to basecoating the Primaris marines. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 94/100
ElDave: "No, please stay! We have so few guests down here." #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby #miniaturemonday 93/100
ElDave: How do you like my new 3d printed photo set/display board? I agree! It's great. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 92/100
ElDave: Aww yeah basecoating! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 91/100
ElDave: Laying down primer. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 90/100
ElDave: My @fatdragongames dungeon photo set is looking SO GOOD, you guys. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 89/100
ElDave: House Ellowuyr Swordsmen COMPLETE! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 88/100
ElDave: House Ellowuyr Swordsmen #WIP. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 87/100
ElDave: Two more @FatDragonGames dungeon tiles compete! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 86/100
ElDave: House Ellowuyr Swordsmen #WIP. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 85/100
ElDave: Assembled these nerds while waiting for paint to dry. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 84/100
ElDave: House Ellowuyr Swordsmen WIP #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby #Warmahordes 83/100
ElDave: Look who figured out how to print gaming bases? #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 82/100
ElDave: Print and paint on a new dungeon tile/backdrop! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 81/100
ElDave: In goes the resin! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 80/100
ElDave: Bombs away! Pouring the mold for yesterday's crystals. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 79/100
ElDave: Super excited to mold and cast this in clear resin! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 78/100
ElDave: 3d printed dungeons are the way forward! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 77/100
ElDave: Learned something interesting about color shift pigments! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 76/100
ElDave: House Ellowuyr Swordsmen, WIP #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 75/100
ElDave: Nethyrmaul the Undying. #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 74/100
ElDave: Dungeons printing and paint drying. Productive day! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 73/100
ElDave: Going to recast this crystal alien in clear resin! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 72/100
ElDave: Highly recommend the dungeon tiles from @FatDragonGames! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 71/100
ElDave: Wiped back the shading. Now for the details! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 70/100
ElDave: Painted this for my buddy @punkjr #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 69/100
ElDave: Enamel shading down. (Quarter for scale) #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 68/100
ElDave: Nethyrmaul the Undying has been basecoated! #100daychallenge #100daysofhobby 67/100