eldan: The view's not bad, though.
eldan: 20150509-003.jpg
eldan: 20150509-004.jpg
eldan: 20150509-009.jpg
eldan: 20150509-012.jpg
eldan: 20150509-022.jpg
eldan: 20150509-024.jpg
eldan: Pretend it's 1990, like I'm failing to do
eldan: 20150510-028.jpg
eldan: I wish more advertising took this form.
eldan: 20150510-033.jpg
eldan: Have you seen this pigeon?
eldan: 20150510-037.jpg
eldan: Some pretty spectacular bridges over the Fraser.
eldan: Tide's out
eldan: Samish Bay
eldan: IMG_20150511_201920