El Canche: Guatemala Elections - The Ballot
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Colored Ballots
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Bags o' Ballots
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Voting table
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - A very popular voter?
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Woman voting with child
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Riding high
El Canche: Guatemala Election - Espada votes
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - no privacy!
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Dr. Rafael Espada
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Colom votes
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Ballots & crayon
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - The decisive moment
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Voting for President
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Colom votes (b&w)
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Finger inking
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - A proud voter
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - The flood
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Voting for mayor
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Father & Daughter
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Tomorrow's voters
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Family vote
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - The Youth Vote
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Youth voting
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - A young voter
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Finger dipping
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Youth & flag
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Girl voting
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Children voting
El Canche: Guatemala Elections - Waiting on line