elcaarchives: at Itompolo (Tempoly site of Maroseragnagna temple) on Mozambique Channel Constance Marie (Jerstad) Quanbeck _ _Mahafale_ Land_ SW Madagascar ca 1950s#A54F
elcaarchives: Bank (northern) of Onilahy River Malagasy Christians
elcaarchives: baobab tree near Fotadrevo(ca 100 kilometers SE of Betioky-South & ca 30 kms NW of Bekily) SW Madagascar Pastor Caleb Quanbeck's International van
elcaarchives: Beroy Malagasy Lutheran Church
elcaarchives: Besely (no. of Betioky-South) village elders - clan high priest (R) SW Madagascar 1950s
elcaarchives: Betioky-American Lutheran district missionary residence Betioky-South SW Madagascar Connie Quanbeck 1960
elcaarchives: Betioky-Sout _Station House_ of h SW Madagascar 1956#C77A
elcaarchives: Bezaha and Betioky Districts of SW Regional synod of FLM_Malagasy Lutheran Church workers Pastor Caleb Quanbeck_Connie SW Madagascar 1.1956#DED0
elcaarchives: blowing of a conch shell (replacement for a shofar)_call to worship, by Catechist Samoela Kazy Malahy, area of Betioky-South SW Madagascar ca 1950#AE65
elcaarchives: Bridge at Tongobory, across the Onilahy River SW Madagascar 1959
elcaarchives: burning of charms Catchist encircled by Christians singing & praying Vohipotsy SW Madagascar ca 1950s
elcaarchives: burning of charms (_oly_) at Isoanalo (Sahagnalo) SE Madagascar ca 1950s#F4C6
elcaarchives: burning of charms after reading of Scripture Isoanalo (_Sahagnalo_)south central Madagascar 1950s#DACE
elcaarchives: burning of charms ca 1950s
elcaarchives: Caleb_Connnie Quanbeck en route to USA two years homeleave Betioky Airport SW Madagascar 5.1957 #B4C4
elcaarchives: Caleb-Connnie Quanbeck en route to USA two years homeleave Betioky Airport SW Madagascar 5.1957
elcaarchives: carrying of a King's body
elcaarchives: Catechist of Malagasy Lutheran Church (George) moving into home in Ampasindava Betioky-South District SW Madagasacar 1956
elcaarchives: cattle crossing Onilahy River Berehoka SW Madagascar ca 1950s
elcaarchives: charms about to be burned Vohipotsy (east of Betioky-South, & between Beroy & Soamanonga) SW Madagascar ca 1950s
elcaarchives: Christian people of Andohasatrana requesting authorization for an official congregation to be formed Mrs. Constance Marie (Jerstad) Quanbeck 1957
elcaarchives: Christians collecting sand for Betroka Malagasy Lutheran Church construction south central Madagascar ca 1950s
elcaarchives: Christians sing & read Scripture before and after possibly a witchdoctor (_ombiasa_) actively effects the burning f his charms (_oly_) Betioky-south area SW Madagascar ca 1950s#1BD0
elcaarchives: ciment block American missionary residence NMS wooden earlier missionary residence St Augustine SW coasat Madagascar ca 1950s
elcaarchives: close-up of a non-Christian funeral carrying of a very important man, to the holy burial place some of men and women wrapped in tradition cloths_loincloth SW Madagascar ca 1950s#44AF
elcaarchives: Communion Service under tamarind tree Helokahita SW Madagascar 3.1956
elcaarchives: conch shell blown by catechist, Catechis Samoela Kajimalahy calling to worship area of Betioky-south SW Madagascar ca 1950s
elcaarchives: Confirmands Philip Halvorson, Stanley Quanbeck Helen Hallanger, Gertrude Rossing and Parents Faradofay SE Madagascar March 2, 1952
elcaarchives: Connie Quanbeck at her 1903 home village of Manasoa-Mahafale beloved tamarind tree SWMadagascar south of the Onilahy River 1956
elcaarchives: Connie Quanbeck Helen Arnseth blooming flamboyant_flame tree Betroka SW Madagascar ca 1950s#AECB