Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog (Erinaceinae)
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Autumn juvenile hedgehog - female
Linz27: Hoglet
Linz27: Hoglet
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog in the garden
Linz27: Hedgehog in the garden
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog in the garden tonight
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehogs
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog with ticks
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog in the garden
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Hedgehog
Linz27: Two Hedgehogs
Linz27: Friendly hedgehogs