vagabond05: What's for dinner
vagabond05: Stealth
vagabond05: Motherly love
vagabond05: White Rhinoceros
vagabond05: Warthog
vagabond05: Showing teeth
vagabond05: Grey Duiker, female
vagabond05: A lion's roar
vagabond05: Cheetah family portrait
vagabond05: Zebra
vagabond05: Hippo rising.
vagabond05: Mother Cheetah with cub
vagabond05: Male lion yawn
vagabond05: Elefant with baby
vagabond05: Majesty
vagabond05: Baby leopard
vagabond05: Baby leopard. Practicing his climbing skills. Two adorable baby leopards venture out of their den at the end of the day. Very little light so I had to use a high ISO to capture this.
vagabond05: Leopard ready to jump
vagabond05: Leopard leap
vagabond05: Ground Hornbills foraging
vagabond05: Cheetah cub
vagabond05: Cape Buffalo with Oxpeckers