Lamia textor:
Tachinid Fly
Lamia textor:
Tachinid fly - any clue to species appreciated.
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Tachinid fly - Probably Trixa conspersa
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Fly on Fennel.
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Conopid Fly
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Dung Fly
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Empis tessulatus
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Green Bottle Fly, Phaenicia species.
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Chalcid wasp being eaten by robber fly
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Robber flies
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Satellite fly - hanging around Colletes Bee's holes
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Tachina fera
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Probably Phasia obesa - a tachinid fly.
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Robber fly with prey
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Thick-head fly- Sicus ferrugineas
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Mating flies - Species unknown, Loughermore Northern Ireland.
Lamia textor:
Give us a kiss!
Lamia textor:
Tachina grossa
Lamia textor:
Xanthogramma pedissequum