elaine train: i hate this movie
elaine train: across the street lived the high life
elaine train: "its a nice couch"
elaine train: andrew ending the fun
elaine train: giggly
elaine train: it was a good flick
elaine train: rayrice!
elaine train: ohh that time with the paint
elaine train: ohhdresr
elaine train: its a tent fort
elaine train: replacing machete
elaine train: anarchy
elaine train: intergenerational luv
elaine train: i wannt it
elaine train: end of gigli
elaine train: spina butt
elaine train: cuz i fucked a corpse
elaine train: and the marker
elaine train: fagbutter
elaine train: byeetnts
elaine train: 27robsn
elaine train: ANARCHYY