ebroskie1234: Aspens with a carving
ebroskie1234: in the only lake for miles
ebroskie1234: edge of a burn
ebroskie1234: little plants breaking thru the ponderosa pine bark
ebroskie1234: survivors of a forest fire, overlooking the Metolius River basin
ebroskie1234: at the edge of an old fire Metolius River Basin
ebroskie1234: fisheye view of burn sort of
ebroskie1234: "the road" to our rock admiring destination (was blocked soon after this)
ebroskie1234: mystery purple flower
ebroskie1234: rodent maze!
ebroskie1234: babbling brook in dappled dim decaying forest
ebroskie1234: kinda tall Ponderosa's here.
ebroskie1234: a few bad apples ran over the only creek in this area for 5 miles (yes I sent these photos to the forest protection officers)
ebroskie1234: cute creek only one for 5 miles that is year round
ebroskie1234: where the bad damage was (my topo editing), submap published by the USFS and with info by Larry Chitwood on the Metolius River area
ebroskie1234: close up in the rain
ebroskie1234: lupines pre-bloom in the rain
ebroskie1234: literally we're in a cloud Green Ridge Lookout
ebroskie1234: View from Green Ridge Lookout before we were enveloped in clouds
ebroskie1234: View from Green Ridge Lookout before we were enveloped in clouds
ebroskie1234: Vintage food
ebroskie1234: Vintage food
ebroskie1234: Vintage food
ebroskie1234: Vintage food
ebroskie1234: Smokey
ebroskie1234: speaks for itself--is petite
ebroskie1234: "Ordinary Domestic Scenes" at Green Ridge Fire Lookout
ebroskie1234: "Ordinary Domestic Scenes" at Green Ridge Fire Lookout
ebroskie1234: "Ordinary Domestic Scenes" at Green Ridge Fire Lookout
ebroskie1234: "calm" picture from Green Ridge Lookout