ebroskie1234: from inside our tent
ebroskie1234: Bill's like turn the camera off inside the tent already
ebroskie1234: Brief home sweet home
ebroskie1234: an artist built this cottage
ebroskie1234: the view close to our campsite
ebroskie1234: the outdoor bathroom at the 2nd place we stayed
ebroskie1234: our totally outdoor bungalow, during shade time
ebroskie1234: Kitchen during the sun hitting it
ebroskie1234: the lovely front porch
ebroskie1234: home sweet home
ebroskie1234: a view of our little cove we camped at
ebroskie1234: campsite view
ebroskie1234: another campsite view
ebroskie1234: snorkeling cove, near Isle of Refuge National Park
ebroskie1234: Kona turtle hanging out
ebroskie1234: the turtles and people get along well
ebroskie1234: sunset in Kona
ebroskie1234: the cottage's front porch view about 700 feet up from the sea
ebroskie1234: gecko's everywhere, especially in the container with papayas
ebroskie1234: state park
ebroskie1234: wild goat at state park
ebroskie1234: red abandoned house in the state park
ebroskie1234: Bill reading the map on the front porch aka dining room
ebroskie1234: gobs of wild goats
ebroskie1234: this was a warm day and very hot trail across this lava field
ebroskie1234: the sand was very loose, but buccolic
ebroskie1234: goats hanging out
ebroskie1234: coast in the state park near Kona
ebroskie1234: coast, a bit of a hike in