Ela Rose: The wonders of my world...
Ela Rose: Duality stripes
Ela Rose: Roof Tops
Ela Rose: When in Paris
Ela Rose: the colours of your swoon
Ela Rose: The fire is building as shadows recoil
Ela Rose: Then she launched for the stars on bare feet
Ela Rose: Spin in rouge lighting
Ela Rose: Sunlight dreaming
Ela Rose: Spinning in his grin
Ela Rose: Go, babe, go!
Ela Rose: The lights that shine like water
Ela Rose: I see an eagle leopard-print.
Ela Rose: Tiger tiger
Ela Rose: I'll double breath it for ya'
Ela Rose: so they shine, so they float...
Ela Rose: Boil the dirt in circular waves.
Ela Rose: She's a blur of night
Ela Rose: Catch the eye, and the lashes shall grow
Ela Rose: Bend, sway and blur yourself.