el_tim: Jody slidin'
el_tim: Jump-bro-ping.
el_tim: Craig getting funky
el_tim: Stephanie getting extreme
el_tim: Ems
el_tim: Craig just loves ropes
el_tim: Fail
el_tim: Steve's technique is a little suspect
el_tim: Alice doing something athletic. Quick, somebody take a picture.
el_tim: Juj can fly
el_tim: Cory looking shifty in the background
el_tim: OC trivia merriment
el_tim: "Listen, bitch. Are you for real?"
el_tim: Ranon, coordinated
el_tim: What's Ranon up to?
el_tim: OC trivia is fun *and* educational
el_tim: Why is everybody looking at me?
el_tim: Hi five, bro
el_tim: Watch those elbows, baby
el_tim: Contemplative slide kid
el_tim: Lady swingers
el_tim: Juliana laughing or possibly eating something
el_tim: There's no secrets in truth or dare
el_tim: Truth or Dare compels Craig to strip down and cruise the scary fight club happening on the field
el_tim: The fight club that turned out to be a really friendly group of teenaged capture the flaggers