el_tim: Why is Christian topless?
el_tim: Steve in traditional pose
el_tim: Gwyn, Rory, Jody - Skeptical
el_tim: Rordexter
el_tim: Ryan, Rory, Sean Mick at weird angle
el_tim: Johnny gets the birthday punching machine
el_tim: Johnny's 27th? Birthday
el_tim: The girls celebrating Johnny's birthday
el_tim: You used to smoke at Steve's place
el_tim: The Birthday Princess himself
el_tim: Bowling Party
el_tim: Jody, Andrea at Albany Bowl
el_tim: The gang at my old place
el_tim: Not sure what Sean's doing with his nipple region
el_tim: There's my knees
el_tim: We were young once
el_tim: Ryan molests Sean