el cajon yacht club:
patio irrigation station P1010240
el cajon yacht club:
Swagelok Stainless Steel Fittings 20230828_073517
el cajon yacht club:
dredge pipeline DSC_1264
el cajon yacht club:
pipe line P1030204
el cajon yacht club:
forge and cyanide tanks P1030929
el cajon yacht club:
pipeline trail tram towers above Death Valley P1030205
el cajon yacht club:
start of cable road P1030939
el cajon yacht club:
redwood stave pipe P1040383
el cajon yacht club:
buried steel pipe P1000580
el cajon yacht club:
pipe shop P1000558
el cajon yacht club:
cable and pipe artifacts P1000720
el cajon yacht club:
pipes P1030987
el cajon yacht club:
pipe P1030986
el cajon yacht club:
wooden water pipe 20190702_184817
el cajon yacht club:
redwood stave pipe P1040382
el cajon yacht club:
plumbing repair upgrade 20230828_105622