Eric K.: Landspeeder prop, front view
Eric K.: Landspeeder prop, side detail
Eric K.: X-Wing model detail
Eric K.: X-Wing model, front
Eric K.: Y-Wing model, front
Eric K.: TIE Fighter, cockpit detail
Eric K.: TIE Fighter
Eric K.: Millennium Falcon detail, back
Eric K.: Millennium Falcon, cockpit detail
Eric K.: Millennium Falcon, front detail
Eric K.: Millennium Falcon, side detail
Eric K.: exhibit interior
Eric K.: under the hood
Eric K.: walking carpet
Eric K.: R2D2
Eric K.: puppet head
Eric K.: shiny shiny
Eric K.: "...and I thought they smelled bad on the outside!"
Eric K.: AT-AT
Eric K.: Stormtrooper, disco division
Eric K.: medical droids
Eric K.: Vader
Eric K.: admission lobby