Finn Frode (DK):
Cathlin close-up
Finn Frode (DK):
Finn Frode (DK):
Bastian checks the first snow
Finn Frode (DK):
"And the winner is..." (2015)
Finn Frode (DK):
Happily retired
Clusters of red mountain ash, The invention of autumn, a miracle of nature, And there is nothing more beautiful than them, The tart sweetness of mental adversity.
Greg Lilly Photos:
What does your dining table look like?
Greg Lilly Photos:
This lady said she flies in from Boston two to three times a year to paint at the L.A. Arboretum.
Greg Lilly Photos:
Bagels•Lox•Schmear•Other Sh%t
Greg Lilly Photos:
The Gift Shop at L.A. Arboretum
Greg Lilly Photos:
On Golden Pond
Greg Lilly Photos:
Have a fun and colorful weekend. They are.
Greg Lilly Photos:
Morning light
Ken Krach Photography:
Sparrow in the Light
Ken Krach Photography:
Tufted Titmouse
Ken Krach Photography:
Red, Green & Blue
I'm napping....but I'm listening