Rex Block: 2020/105: 15th Street at Night
Rex Block: 2020/103: Bresca Boarded Up
Rex Block: 2020/102: The Phone Call
Rex Block: 2020/101: This is not New York
Rex Block: 2020/100: Passing Pedestrian
Rex Block: 18th to Adams Morgan
Rex Block: 2020/086: Social Separation
Rex Block: 2020/082: Abandoned
Rex Block: 2020/081: Nighttime Trees
Rex Block: 2020/077: Long-Distance
Rex Block: 2020/074: Cormorants
Rex Block: Late Winter
Rex Block: Sane Wine
Rex Block: 250 Mass Avenue
Rex Block: FBI Washington Field Office
Rex Block: 2020/070: Cobblestones
Rex Block: 2020/069: The Worm Moon
Rex Block: 2020/065: 17th Street Ground Level
Rex Block: 15th and R Streets
Rex Block: 2020/056: Water Main Break
Rex Block: 14th at Night
Rex Block: 2020/053: The Dog Walkers
Rex Block: 2020/052: The Morning After
Rex Block: 2020/051: Snowy Snowy Night
Rex Block: 2020/050: Apartment Balconies
Rex Block: White-Grovenor Hall, Georgetown University
Rex Block: New Hampshire Avenue
Rex Block: 2020/046: Anderso 's Motel
Rex Block: 2020/043: The Torch Bearers
Rex Block: 2020/037: Reflections on the Hague