ecotist: Brain coral (Diplora labarinthiformis)
ecotist: Butterfly fish on night dive
ecotist: Bat fish
ecotist: Red Sea Fan
ecotist: Moray Eel
ecotist: Bunch of Bat fish
ecotist: Manta Ray
ecotist: Leaf fish
ecotist: Cow fish eye
ecotist: Lots of fish!
ecotist: Lion fish
ecotist: Lion fish
ecotist: Staghorn coral
ecotist: Brain coral
ecotist: Pompano
ecotist: Black grouper
ecotist: Wink
ecotist: Simon
ecotist: Teaching kids to dive
ecotist: Underwater Action
ecotist: Sea Whip
ecotist: anemonemnoene
ecotist: See the Shrimp?
ecotist: Sea Rods
ecotist: Sea Urchin
ecotist: Don't forget to brush
ecotist: BatFish
ecotist: BatMan
ecotist: Ideal Island
ecotist: Blue Travallies