ekelly80: traffic jam sunset
ekelly80: old shoe advertisement
ekelly80: Detroit Thanksgiving Parade
ekelly80: DTE floatt
ekelly80: coooooookies!
ekelly80: Cookie Monster spinning
ekelly80: life's a crock
ekelly80: fall lingering
ekelly80: nothing stops Detroit
ekelly80: peace on Earth
ekelly80: Detroit is ready
ekelly80: foggy day in the D
ekelly80: Campus Martius
ekelly80: Robin's first Coney dog!
ekelly80: Detroit is the new black
ekelly80: all the pies!
ekelly80: hat buddies
ekelly80: family photo
ekelly80: vintage
ekelly80: yellow car
ekelly80: Eastern Market mural
ekelly80: record mural
ekelly80: love first never hate
ekelly80: local
ekelly80: woman mural
ekelly80: Eastern Market mural
ekelly80: brewing & soil
ekelly80: Christmas trees
ekelly80: Robin & Winston
ekelly80: seaworld