ekelly80: Inauguration cupcake
ekelly80: America
ekelly80: need a ride?
ekelly80: i'm on tv!
ekelly80: waving
ekelly80: CNN on the Mall
ekelly80: matching hats
ekelly80: follow the lines
ekelly80: selling on the Mall
ekelly80: Mall before inauguration
ekelly80: tall, tall shadows
ekelly80: perfect winter day
ekelly80: red, white & blue Capitol
ekelly80: sunset on the Capitol
ekelly80: chairs
ekelly80: exit
ekelly80: tree reflection
ekelly80: Pennsylvania Ave
ekelly80: mittens!
ekelly80: beaver tails
ekelly80: swearing in
ekelly80: mounties
ekelly80: motorcycles
ekelly80: drum major
ekelly80: Marine Band
ekelly80: fife & drum corps
ekelly80: Obama detail
ekelly80: Joe!
ekelly80: US Park Police
ekelly80: girl scout volunteers