Ekaterry: A sunny day, 어느 맑은 날...
Ekaterry: To the higher...
Ekaterry: Spring flower
Ekaterry: Yellow tailed anemone fish. 흰동가리.
Ekaterry: Night in the campus, 율전 캠퍼스의 야경
Ekaterry: I'm not a kangaroo. Do you know me?
Ekaterry: Spring flowers, 봄에 핀 꽃들
Ekaterry: Tulip
Ekaterry: Moving car?
Ekaterry: My wife and son
Ekaterry: White rose..., 백장미
Ekaterry: Area and curves
Ekaterry: A chraming red rose ...
Ekaterry: Buckingham Palace
Ekaterry: Colosseum
Ekaterry: Tower Bridge
Ekaterry: 콜로세움-04, Colosseum-04
Ekaterry: 콜로세움-03, colosseum-03
Ekaterry: 콜로세움-02, colosseum-02
Ekaterry: 성베드로 대성당, St. Peter's of Rome
Ekaterry: Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile, The triumphal arch at Étoile Plaza, 파리 개선문
Ekaterry: 루부르, Louvre
Ekaterry: Firenze
Ekaterry: The leaning tower of Pisa
Ekaterry: On flying to the Europe
Ekaterry: View on the London EYE
Ekaterry: Venezia, View on the Rialto, 베니스
Ekaterry: The leaning tower of Pisa on the palm
Ekaterry: Venezia Masks
Ekaterry: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris and my wife