ekai: Icy Lake Michigan
ekai: Icy Lake Michigan
ekai: Over Chicago
ekai: Over the midwest somewhere
ekai: Cotton candy clouds of the Midwest
ekai: Icy Lake Michigan
ekai: Over Chicago
ekai: Chicago looks chilly
ekai: Does this mean I'm first off?
ekai: Dinosaur plane looks old
ekai: Hello Tokyo
ekai: How do they do on JAL
ekai: Video of sweet lightning storm off the wing
ekai: Sweet lightning storm off the wing
ekai: Sweet lightning storm off the wing
ekai: A Day in the Clouds
ekai: A Day in the Clouds
ekai: A Day in the Clouds
ekai: A Day in the Clouds
ekai: A Day in the Clouds
ekai: A Day in the Clouds
ekai: David Carr is all over jetBlue
ekai: Bocas & Bastimentos
ekai: Wings to Bocas
ekai: Too early flight to Bocas
ekai: Virgins queued up
ekai: IMG_1771.JPG
ekai: IMG_1770.JPG
ekai: IMG_1769.JPG
ekai: IMG_1715.JPG