Eddie Vega: Veteran anti-war protester plays her flute, Brooklyn
Eddie Vega: Protest leader explains route of anti-war march, Brooklyn
Eddie Vega: Police official looks on as anti-war protesters organize, Brooklyn
Eddie Vega: Pep songs before anti-war protest march, Brooklyn
Eddie Vega: Calling anti-war protesters to begin march, Brooklyn
Eddie Vega: Anti-War March, Brooklyn
Eddie Vega: Youngest protester marches against war, Brooklyn
Eddie Vega: Olympia Dukakis speaks at Cooper Union anti-war rally
Eddie Vega: Malachy McCourt at Cooper Union Anti-War Protest
Eddie Vega: Actor Mark Ruffalo speaks at Cooper Union anti-war rally
Eddie Vega: Malik Zulu Shabazz on steps of Queens Courthouse
Eddie Vega: No Love for Hate
Eddie Vega: My Body is My Business
Eddie Vega: Occupy Wall Street group trains at Union Square Park 2
Eddie Vega: Occupy Wall Street group trains at Union Square Park 1
Eddie Vega: Union Square Protest 2
Eddie Vega: Union Square Protest 1
Eddie Vega: I have earned the right to protest
Eddie Vega: We are the 99%
Eddie Vega: Protest and resistance are not the same thing
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest
Eddie Vega: John Paulson Protest