twisted fish: start with a bang
twisted fish: day 5 - waiting....
twisted fish: day 6 - the second to last supper
twisted fish: day 4 - the end is nigh..
twisted fish: day 7 - the before shot - broken collar bone
twisted fish: day 9 - now with internal metal work
twisted fish: day 9 - Christmas and like
twisted fish: day 10 - pancake day!
twisted fish: day 11 - medicated nation
twisted fish: day 10 - back to it
twisted fish: day 13 - repaired broken clavicle
twisted fish: day 15 - NYEEE
twisted fish: day 14 - shopping :/
twisted fish: day 18 - Chinese food on my lap while sat in a reanult clio
twisted fish: day 17 - bon annee :)
twisted fish: day 18 - busmans holiday
twisted fish: day 19 - holga
twisted fish: day 20 - is it done yet...
twisted fish: day 21 - french fun
twisted fish: day 24 - ALL GOOD
twisted fish: day 23 - whitby??
twisted fish: day 22 - skeggy :)
twisted fish: day 25 - shutter island
twisted fish: day 26 - back to work
twisted fish: day 29 - back to the JLR
twisted fish: day 28 - what's this then
twisted fish: day 30 - my girlfriend is strange :)
twisted fish: day 34 - aforementioned tree