journey ej:
Trout Lily
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Dwarf Trout Lily
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Trout Lily in the woods
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In the Big Woods
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Camping Fun
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the 3 bloodroots
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Bloodroot on the trail
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Carley Blooms
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roots run deep
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Pictures in the bog
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Orchids of the grass
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Stemless Ladyslipper
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Family of the woods
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Summer in the woods
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Objects in the mirror appear larger than they could be
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reach for the sky mayfly
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Boats ready
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With roots of blood
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spliting the moon
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golf anyone?
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Land of the trillium
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Showy Lady Slipper
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at the lake
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Road shrooms
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Gooseberry Falls
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the waves at split rock
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Blood in the woods
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trout lily