eiutfxc: 1979 Bandy and Christy Pizza Hut 10K Bloomington IN
eiutfxc: McInerney and Reinking
eiutfxc: Reo Rorem
eiutfxc: 1978 Joe Sheeran
eiutfxc: Hodge, Sheeran McInerney
eiutfxc: 1977 Mac-dorm pic
eiutfxc: 1977 Fall_McInerney, Englert, James, Feller, Wagner
eiutfxc: Christy and Sheeran
eiutfxc: 1977 Fall_Wagner, Kline, Hodge, Feller
eiutfxc: Dr. and Mrs. O'Brien 1978
eiutfxc: 2005 McInerney Woodall Masenet
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 Christy and Donahue
eiutfxc: McInerney and Feller, Drake Relays, 1978
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 Ken Englert
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 f. McHugh Reinking McInerney Sheeran b
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 Sheeran Christy Bandy Rorem Schuldt Mcinerney McHu
eiutfxc: 1977 front_Hatfield, Englert back_Hodge, James, McInerney,
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 Sheeran
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 McInerney Christy Sheeran Reinking
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 Meissner
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 Sue Grover, Robin Smith, Cheryl Orlow
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 McInerney, McHugh, Sheeran, Reinking, Schuldt, Ch
eiutfxc: NCAA 1977 McIntire, Woodall
eiutfxc: 1978 Hatfield
eiutfxc: 1978 Jan_Reinking and Sheeran
eiutfxc: 1978 Eastern Relays_Casey Reinking
eiutfxc: 1978 Eastern Relays_Pat Hodge
eiutfxc: 1978 Eastern Relays_John McInerney
eiutfxc: 1979 Dr Woodall with Bandys glasses
eiutfxc: 1978 Eastern Relays_Duncan McHugh