Eirik Newth:
Raptor angriper sitt menneske
Eirik Newth:
Shishi forsøker å styre raptoren
Eirik Newth:
Roboraptoren er løs!
Eirik Newth:
Roboten er løs!
Eirik Newth:
Roboraptor, robosapien and dad
Eirik Newth:
Roboraptor, robosapien and dad
Eirik Newth:
Aaand the raptor strikes!
Eirik Newth:
Fascinated by Roboraptor
Eirik Newth:
Me and my remote control buddies
Eirik Newth:
Eirik Newth:
Eirik Newth:
Roboraptor tail
Eirik Newth:
Attack mode!
Eirik Newth:
Stalking its prey
Eirik Newth:
Now there's a shadow we've missed for 65 million years...
Eirik Newth:
Roboraptor on the living room floor
Eirik Newth:
Eirik Newth:
Roboraptor on the living room floor
Eirik Newth:
Oh yes, I _so_ want a Canon digital SLR... ;-)
Eirik Newth:
Corys Mac
Eirik Newth:
Høyteknologi på bokmessen
Eirik Newth:
First modern TV set: Telefunken 1936
Eirik Newth:
Noen som faktisk reklamerer med wifi!
Eirik Newth:
Casemodding I
Eirik Newth:
Casemodding 2
Eirik Newth:
Samsung digital video camera
Eirik Newth:
Xbox stand
Eirik Newth:
I Robot, anyone?
Eirik Newth:
Game stand
Eirik Newth:
Tux and tilting flatscreen