eilonwy77: 8-20-10 014
eilonwy77: A cleaner version of the cheesy madness...
eilonwy77: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
eilonwy77: 8-18-10 trans cheese 008
eilonwy77: Fun with cheese slopes, part 3
eilonwy77: Fun with cheese slopes, part 2
eilonwy77: Fun with cheese slopes, part 1
eilonwy77: Cheesy tablescraps
eilonwy77: Courtyard, WIP
eilonwy77: 5-7-10 pattern 2 many jpg
eilonwy77: 8-22-10 042
eilonwy77: Triangles
eilonwy77: 8-22-10 2 002
eilonwy77: 8-22-10 2 015
eilonwy77: Comparison...
eilonwy77: "Diamonds"
eilonwy77: Framing is hard...
eilonwy77: Defeat
eilonwy77: Working....
eilonwy77: Semi-circles are the new hexagons
eilonwy77: A use for the semi-circles...
eilonwy77: A variation...
eilonwy77: New archy pieces...
eilonwy77: Variation 3
eilonwy77: Reject #1
eilonwy77: Reject #2 (?) -- Okay, maybe it's not a reject.... ;-)
eilonwy77: Attempt 1 -- kind of gappy
eilonwy77: A sampling of stars... (WIP)
eilonwy77: Everyone knows the moon is made of green cheese...
eilonwy77: Upside down