eikootje: Walking in the "Vlaamse Ardennen"
eikootje: Walking... Enjoying
eikootje: The humans and Noeki minus Tom
eikootje: Walking in the "Vlaamse Ardennen"
eikootje: Deos cleaning his paws
eikootje: Valéas and his "new" leash
eikootje: Meeting with the horses, socialising
eikootje: Socialising dogs and horses
eikootje: Jasper enjoying the ride
eikootje: Leashing up Valéas
eikootje: Deos in Valéas' bunkbed
eikootje: Deos giving a paw
eikootje: Coming closer and closer
eikootje: Deos, acting like a God
eikootje: Checking Valéas' itchy paw (4/52)
eikootje: Putting on my hat
eikootje: Rewarding Deos to hold my hat on