eikootje: A taxi for Twinsister
eikootje: Very happy Valéas
eikootje: Happy Valéas!
eikootje: Eiko sniffing
eikootje: old Eiko... enjoying her walk
eikootje: Mr Mascara meets the three..
eikootje: Snowy investigating
eikootje: Mr Mascara thinks he's big...
eikootje: A very interesting smell I presume?
eikootje: Snowy says "hi big guy!"
eikootje: Snowy and Twinsister blocking me!
eikootje: "Hi big one, do you have some milk for us?"
eikootje: "Wanne play, Erynn?"
eikootje: Valéas and Erynn playing!
eikootje: Valéas and Eiko dominating Erynn
eikootje: Eiko chasing Valéas
eikootje: Scratching the weird things around our neck
eikootje: Twinsister, Snowy and Mr Mascara in the forrest
eikootje: Erynn teaching Snowy and Twinsister how to DIG
eikootje: Mr Mascara is coming!