eightdotthree: DSC01578
eightdotthree: Cooper's Rock Overlook
eightdotthree: DSC01587
eightdotthree: DSC01588
eightdotthree: IMG_0020
eightdotthree: Raven Rock
eightdotthree: Pen on Raven Rock
eightdotthree: Random couple
eightdotthree: Raven Rock Overlook
eightdotthree: Raven Rock
eightdotthree: Raven Rock
eightdotthree: Raven Rock
eightdotthree: Pen and Mo
eightdotthree: IMG_0077
eightdotthree: Camp Fire
eightdotthree: Get up!
eightdotthree: Mo & Pen in the tent
eightdotthree: Pen in the tent
eightdotthree: Pen in the tent