Eifeelgood: honey cake !
Eifeelgood: la Moda ;-)
Eifeelgood: sandale parking
Eifeelgood: damaged feet.... after a long long way from Grimsel, directly to Finsteraarhorn and down to Finsteraarhorn Hut
Eifeelgood: tape as tape can...
Eifeelgood: snowshoeing
Eifeelgood: Switzerland, oldies but goldies
Eifeelgood: waitin'
Eifeelgood: summer camp, Eifel
Eifeelgood: made in Italy
Eifeelgood: breathing shoes ;-D
Eifeelgood: old... but perfect :-) , Italia, Trentino, Placche Zebrati
Eifeelgood: short evening walk
Eifeelgood: last free solo check, early 80's, wearing the "Original Handmade EB's" ;-), climbing "Abseilwand" (VIII) a dozen times to automatize the moves, Stenzelberg, Siebengebirge, Germany
Eifeelgood: shoe service for you? :-)
Eifeelgood: 50km wheelbarrow hike, wet wet wet
Eifeelgood: lonesome shoes
Eifeelgood: time for a hot tea
Eifeelgood: Tajikistan, Pamir Mountains, Camp Moskwin (basecamp of Qullai Somoni 7495m), Marc Twight boulderin' with "Galoshkies" (historical russian rubber-slippers), ..... seen that cool, old style crashpad? ;-)
Eifeelgood: ich hab' den nich' verloren, der war vorher schon weg
Eifeelgood: rainy day siesta
Eifeelgood: Tajikistan, Central Pamir Range, back to the 80's, "the Fly", enjoying a siesta at sunset, Glacier Camp at ~5000m, after climbing Peak 4, 6400m
Eifeelgood: Eifel-mud, ... eeehm... healing earth from Eifel, > 300km of pure nature at Eifelsteig, wheelbarrow trekkin' by fair means ;-)))
Eifeelgood: 100 Jahre Landgasthaus Pfahl, Wershofen, Eifel
Eifeelgood: lifetime warranty??? ;-)
Eifeelgood: grass diver ;-)
Eifeelgood: gravel
Eifeelgood: these boots are made for walking... wheelbarrow hikin', Ahrsteig, http://4-seasons.de/magazinartikel/colleague-auen-man-wheelbarrow