eidos11: Ackerwinde
eidos11: Erdhummel
eidos11: Schlafmohn
eidos11: Schlafmohn
eidos11: Rosehip - Hagebutte
eidos11: Rosehip - Hagebutte
eidos11: Gabagge - Kohl
eidos11: Resin - Harz
eidos11: Lichen- Flechten
eidos11: Crocothemis erythraea – Feuerlibelle - Broad Scarlet
eidos11: Ischnura pumilio – Kleine Pechlibelle - Small Bluetail
eidos11: Gomphus vulgatissimus – Gemeine Keiljungfer - Common Clubtail
eidos11: Ceriagrion tenellum – Scharlachlibelle -Small Red Damsel
eidos11: Libellula quadrimaculata – Vierfleck - Four-spotted Chaser
eidos11: Sympetrum depressiusculum – Spotted Darter - Sumpf-Heidelibelle
eidos11: Autumn score - Herbst-Partitur
eidos11: enjoy the last rays of sunshine
eidos11: nearness - Nähe
eidos11: .... a few seconds later he turns back
eidos11: the beetle at the tip of the leaf
eidos11: last journey (with a captain ;)
eidos11: quiet evenig - Wohlensee
eidos11: Wohlensee
eidos11: Chasseral