ehater: DSC_0397
ehater: DSC_0400
ehater: DSC_0401
ehater: Pledges allegiance to the booze
ehater: DSC_0403
ehater: DSC_0407
ehater: Gypsy's mom would be proud, he's a successful man now: fat and has a nice shirt!
ehater: DSC_0412
ehater: DSC_0413
ehater: My cutiez
ehater: When Gypsy smokes, smoke is coming out of Jeremy's face. Gypsy Magic!!!
ehater: Da Valley Village representing on da couch!
ehater: WHAT?
ehater: DSC_0423
ehater: Giggly Drewey ( and he wasn't even drinking! )
ehater: Crime in progress!
ehater: Drew chillin illin
ehater: Cramer and Kitty have a lot in common... not!
ehater: That Pula told on us!
ehater: Danny professes his wove to Nicky/Brian
ehater: When MJ charms the camera
ehater: Kitty -> Jeremy: "You bitch!"
ehater: :-O
ehater: DSC_0442
ehater: DSC_0443
ehater: And there was some kungfoo fighting
ehater: Abducting Kitty or Kitty abuses Jeremy, your pick
ehater: Just make out already
ehater: Never Forget the amazing beer that Cramer brought
ehater: HOMOZ!!!