Enric.©: Percebes
Enric.©: Combarro - Rias Baixas (Pontevedra)
Enric.©: Peregrinos
Enric.©: Hércules
Enric.©: La Catedral
Enric.©: You turn on or what?
Enric.©: Low tide
Enric.©: The grandfather of the world
Enric.©: Rolling Stones
Enric.©: Under roof
Enric.©: Punta Nariga
Enric.©: And the rain came
Enric.©: Illa Pancha
Enric.©: Virge do porto
Enric.©: Lowering tide
Enric.©: Loiba cliff
Enric.©: The Menhires