egorick: Moscow Day Celebration 2008
egorick: Московский закат
egorick: Сколько нужно узбеков, чтобы удержать крышу
egorick: SLUT на Пятницкой
egorick: В Новосибирской Маршрутке
egorick: Сильный ветер
egorick: Immigration Station, Angel Island
egorick: SF Skyscraper
egorick: SF Embarcadero Center Fountain
egorick: Towards Sausalito
egorick: Windy Rainy Bay
egorick: Embarcadero, SF
egorick: Helmetless Biking in SF
egorick: Producing Ads in SF
egorick: In San Francisco Airport
egorick: Human and Computer Sleeping
egorick: Cafe, Moscow, Interior
egorick: View from the top (north)
egorick: View from the top (west)
egorick: View from the top (east)
egorick: Probably the closes point to take a shot
egorick: The visitors
egorick: The viewpoint
egorick: I guess they had too many panoramas
egorick: Impressive basement
egorick: The tower museum
egorick: From under the tower
egorick: The tower from the above
egorick: Leg friendship
egorick: A bit worried